Favorite Quotes on the Ocean

My daughter just bought a sweet little t-shirt at Target that reads, “the sea sets me free.”  That is always how I feel when I spend time on the ocean.  Inspired. Free.   It’s a great space and place of life for reading and writing.  Here are some of my favorite quotes on water and life that have inspired me to go with the flow a little more even when I’m not on the ocean. The following annotated excerpts are from the book Going Home: Jesus and Buddha as Brothers, gifted to me by my dear friend Sue.  Growing up Catholic followed by growing older with openness to possibilities of how God appears in the world for others has led me to explore spiritual teachings with a broader view and find beauty in the synchronicities.  The teachings of Jesus and Buddha are kind of like a Snickers bar to me.  Two great things that go even better together. “Let us visualize the ocean with a multitude of waves.  Imagine that we are a wave on the ocean, and surrounding us are many, many waves.  If the wave looks deeply within herself, she will realize that her being there depends on the presence of … Continue reading Favorite Quotes on the Ocean